Thursday, August 28, 2008

The FOC debut t-shirt design

We started off with this design for the front of the t-shirt. For the back, it was cartoon looking characters of our members but due to a certain restriction in the design we decided to change the total outlook. Which gave us design No.2:





There you go, a sneak peek at how the history-making, first t-shirt for the FOC-ians. It is still under process due to a delay from the t-shirt printers. However, the t-shirts should be meeting their owners very soon (fingers crossed).

Any feedbacks on the outlook? Like it? Don't like it? Our ears are open...

1 comment:

Lai Tee @ Grace said...

Special that ppl would actually curious what word is "hiding" behind

Good Job!
waiting for the T-shirt arrival...thanks for the hard works..
:)I want size S

Just curious,
would the members names be inserted? maybe at one corner? or just the name of the t-shirt's owner?